
Business Case Challenge – Common opportunity for joint development

We are proud to announce that Aluflexpack Group is one of the partners of the Vienna University of Economics and Business for this year’s Business Case Challenge on the topic “Sustainability and the Circular Economy”!

Why does Aluflexpack support this project?

As part of this project, students are solving real-life challenges in order to exercise their current skillsets, integrate theory with practice, tackle real business issues, experience decision-making in real-time projects and develop their creativity and critical thinking.

“On our journey we need young minds that can come up with interesting and sustainable business ideas.”

                                                                                                                    Johannes Steurer, CEO of Aluflexpack Group

At Aluflexpack, we believe that students have great potential to develop business ideas that can materialise in successful endeavours. For this reason, we encourage students to apply their entrepreneurial skills in the development of a sustainable and financially profitable business model in the packaging industry, which will highlight our commitment as a reliable brand that operates and develops in harmony with nature and society.


Aluflexpack’s path – a sustainable partner of choice for the present and future

In addition to providing learning opportunities about our demanding and high-tech industry andfacilitating innovative solutions for the challenges ahead, we want to show students who we are, what we do, what opportunities we offer for coming generations, and – most importantly – to prove our efforts and our commitment with regard to sustainability.

Our commitment and that of all other participants in the global economy will ensure a secure and prosperous future for the young generations, whose future is before them.

We want to build a safe and stable path and guide them on that path through joint development projects.


Aluflexpack’s dedication to sustainability

Sustainability remains a guiding principle of the corporate strategy and business model of Aluflexpack. As a producer of flexible packaging, supplying products to numerous leading companies in various industrial sectors across the globe, Aluflexpack is aware of its responsibility and its economic, social and environmental impact.

Every day, Aluflexpack’s products are in direct contact with food, medicine or personal care goods – with the primary purpose of protecting these goods in the best possible manner, so as to preserve nutritional value, taste and quality for consumers and to prevent goods from being wasted.

We continue dedicating ourselves to producing the best products with the lowest possible use of resources, through product development (e.g., downgauging, mono-materials, recycled content products), responsible procurement, waste management, infrastructural superiority and digitalisation in business operations, thus ensuring resource efficiency, cost optimisation, and carbon footprint reduction.

Energy efficiency is recognised as the key lever in the creation of a low-carbon economy. We choose to use energy from renewable sources in our production, wherever this is possible –  five of our eight production locations use solely green energy. We optimise our production to decrease energy consumption levels and avoid energy loss.

See more at our latest Sustainability Report!

Rewards for the best

We look forward to seeing what students have prepared and to host the winners of this competition in our team during their two-month internship!

We are looking forward to joint development!